Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Provincially Nominated Federal Government

The Canadian government has been mired in decades of partisan politics resulting in decades of failed federal policy. A provincially nominated federal government eliminates partisan politics at the federal level as some representatives will be nominated not only by the provincial powers but by municipalities, unions leaders, tribal leaders etc. Your complaints need not be addressed to Ottawa but by the people you know who sent that person. The definition of grass roots governance. The overall effect will be an unelected government made up of unelected personal similar to our senate, except as they are hired they can be fired.

The principle of grass roots governance can be adhered to by allowing only 5 reps be nominated by the provincial government and 5 from the opposition to make up the core of the committees whereas as many as 50 can be nominated by municipalities to fill the rest of the posts. This roadblock to partisanship puts the bulk of federal governance at the hands of the voters through provincial, municipal and local elections.

It was successful in Afghanistan till 2004 until it was replaced by a national election, and it did work better than the results of their national election. It will work here to replace our broken system.

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