Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We need change, this is what this is about.

My choices reflect a life time of working many union and non-union jobs in all the main local industries. A populous from union experiences and fiscally conservative from non.

Other than making me a fiscally conservative populous I really don`t give a rats ass about politics. I doubt if I`ve voted more than a few times in my whole life. I`ve always maintained they can steal a few millions missing but make sure we get the best deal in town.
The federal government has care and control, they have lost control and don`t care. Greed has broken the system.

In all of history a system broken by corruption has never fixed itself, ever...


  1. The federal government has care and control. In 2005 police said they lost the war on crime. In 2008 Vancouver was named property crime capital of NA, four times higher than NYC. This year we have the distinct classification as the gang capital,,, of the world. Without going intro the known reasons denial of loss of control is the only defence. Even though we`ve been here blogging on the reasons for over a decade Ottawa refuses to open a discussion, action is certainly over the horizon so denial they don`t care is the only defence.

    My personal motivation.

    In 1996 while I was out of the business with cancer, my business partner employed an active RCMP member. During this time he worked a second job $250,000. went missing. When I took the forged checks and fraudulent bank accounts to the RCMP they covered up the theft by saying it was ok for a business partner to steal from a limited company. Then a rumour started that I had stolen the money on a cocaine spree. Considering I was in bed for the months in question the town is full of users and hardly any know who I`m am let alone would say I`ve every done any kind of white powder. One of my best friends heard the rumour and was upset I didn`t share, never questions the obvious answer was I don`t do that shit, there was never any shit to share. After transferring the assets of our limited company to his common law wife it seems obvious the business partner started the rumour as a cover, When I produced the evidence to the RCMP that showed an RCMP officer was involved the whole detachment participated in the cover-up.
    The corruption at such a local level has roots in Ottawa with Chretien authorizing government corruption with the adscam excuse, "a few millions missing, it was good for the country".

    I`m not asking you to vote none of the above for me, the RCMP owe me interest included $500,000 the detachment cover-up cost me. I`m asking you to vote none of the above for your country.

    Read how and then send to your email lists, thanks, Robert.

  2. Although I withheld a key name from the original comment a recent experience has prompted me to add it fitting my outlook based on a well known adage of dying on my feet preferable to living on my knees.

    The name of the full time highway patrol member of the RCMP driving a tow truck for my company in off hours is Nigel Marsh, Hope BC detachment.

    After such an extensive cover-up of a thief of a quarter million he must have thought this had gone to bed years ago. Nope, and still lots of witnesses around to expose every lie created in this attempted cover-up.


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